Campus Farming and Composting
上智大学四谷キャンパスでは、毎日14,000人を超える教職員や学生が現場で学び、働いています。At Sophia University’s Yotsuya campus, over 14,000 faculty, staff, and students study and work on-site every day.
なぜキャンパス菜園?・Why Campus Farming?
上智大学四谷キャンパスでは、毎日14,000人を超える教職員や学生が現場で学び、働いています。一か所に集まった比較的大きなコミュニティと言えます。そのため、相当な食料、電気、水などのエネルギーが消費されます。KASA Sustainabilityは、教職員と学生が一体となって、エコ・フットプリントを減らし(低炭素キャンパス)、リサイクルの循環を生み出す(循環型キャンパス)、持続可能なキャンパスづくりに取り組んでいます。
At Sophia University’s Yotsuya campus, over 14,000 faculty, staff, and students study and work on-site every day. This is a relatively large community in one place. Because of this, a significant amount of energy such as food, electricity, and water is consumed accordingly. KASA Sustainability is committed to creating a sustainable campus where faculty, staff, and students work together to reduce our eco-footprint (low-carbon campus) and create a cycle of recycling (circular campus).
With the perspective of building a sustainable campus in mind, promoting environmental education and awareness is very important. Information-based education has proven to be not always effective. Our compost/farming project originated with this taken into consideration.
Student Diaries!・野菜ダイアリー
キャンパス菜園の歴史・History of Campus Farming
KASA started the campus farming project in 2015 on a very small scale, planting in pots. After 9 months of negotiating and communicating with the Property Management of the university, KASA was finally given permission to plant on campus soil in March of 2021. Despite the lack of experience in farming and gardening, the project served and continues to serve as an enriching and engaging activity for its participants.
Nonetheless, KASA members took this as an opportunity to learn hands-on the difficulties that many farmers face today as the global weather becomes more and more unpredictable each year. Many lessons were learned from the mistakes and struggles of farming. A few of them are the importance of adaptability and problem solving when dealing with plant diseases and poor city-soil quality.
Unfortunately, a growing percentage of the youth generation is becoming less and less in touch with nature due to digitalization and urbanisation. Without these opportunities to revive the connective awareness with our environment, it is easy to lose sight of our crucial reliance on nature and the importance of its well-being.
キャンパス内のコンポストシステム・Campus Composting System
In August of 2021, two KASA campus compost systems were launched in order to promote resource circularity within the campus. Every year, during the autumn season, leaves all around the campus are collected and thrown away into garbage disposal fields only to become huge piles of unused leaf biomass. Through this campus composting project, a system that collaborates with Sophia University’s cleaning staff to collect the fallen leaves all around campus was developed. These fallen leaves are brought to KASA’s leaf composting site where they are mixed with other compost-enriching components to decompose and turn into usable compost for KASA farming activities. Likewise, this project also includes the recycling of organic waste scraps from the university’s kitchens which are collected and decomposed in a different type of compost system.
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