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Why interested in the environment?
[online event]

WIE Online Event

KASA Sustainability and Kankyou Club


Date: Friday, September 11. 2020

Time: 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Platform: ZOOM

Language: Japanese

Join us!

Why uninterested in the environment?

In January 2020, KASA Sustainability hosted the first session “Why uninterested in the environment?" to discuss from various perspectives why Japanese people are often said to be uninterested in the environment. The second session is a collaboration between KASA Sustainability and Kankyou Club. Members from these environmental organizations will answer the question, “Why interested in the environment?” by sharing how they first became interested in environmental issues and discuss this together with the participants. In this exchange, we hope to expand the circle of people who can think and act more consciously about the connection between our lives and the environment on a daily basis by sharing the personal experiences and thoughts of our members rather than technical knowledge.

Why are we colaborating?

KASA Sustainability and Kankyou Club share the common goal of inspiring and empowering high schoolers, college students, all generations, and all walks of life to take action on global challenges such as climate change, hunger and poverty, and inequality. Building on the success of our first WIE event (January 2020), we will have this exchange event to share our responses to Why Interested in the Environment."

Our goal

This exchange event is for students and by students. We will begin with an important yet often neglected question of why we care about the environment. In the first part of the event, KASA Sustainability and Kankyou Club members will  share their personal experiences that got them interested in the environment. In the second part, KASA Sustainability and Kankyou Club members will interact with the participants by dividing them into small groups and exchange thoughts on the environment.


KASA Sustainability

KASA Sustainability is guided by a core principle that respect for diversity is central to the sustainability of both nature and society. Our mission is to inspire people to think about nature and society relationally, to take action on the health of local environments and the global commons, and to collaborate for the equitable distribution of ecosystem services.

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Jardinagem urbana

Kankyou Club

Kankyou Club is an environmental youth organization dedicated to building a community that loves and protects people & the planet through education and experiential learning.



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Jardinagem urbana

© KASA Sustainability 

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